Marble I., 2018, 140x110, oil on canvas
Marble, 2018
Marble II., 2018, 140x110, oil on canvas
TTT, 2018, 140x200, oil, acrylic on canvas
Buildandruin II., 2018, 140x110, oil on canvas
Buildandruin III., 2018, 140x200, oil on canvas
Buildandruin, 2018, 140x110, oil on canvas
Monet on the youtube, 100x70
Performative portrait, Árpád, 2018,
Performative portrait, Kata, 2018, 140x200, oil on canvas
Performative portrait, Kata, 2018, 140x200, oil on canvass
Performative portrait, Zsuzsa, 2018, 110x140, oil on canvas
Performative portrait - Kata II., 140x110 cm
Black gloves, 2018, 100x100, private collection
Pool I., 2018, 110x140, oil on canvas
Pool II., 2018, 140x110, oil on canvas
Hide and seek, 2018, 140x110, oil on canvas